Morsarv is made of my mother’s yarn residue, which I inherited (textile artist Eli Marie Johnsen 1926-2015). The lingarnet is milled to fiber mass in a special machine (a “hollender”) and then shaped into circular objects that are assembled into a whole. The flax fiber shrinks when it dries – therefore no circle is similar. The colors are my mother’s, as she used in her 70-80’s weaving pads. The installation is built up of approximately 450 circles and is composed directly in the exhibition room. Wall-based, variable size. Stitches about 30 cm from the wall.

Morsarv, Oppland kunstsenter 2014

Morsarv, Sandefjord kunstforening 2014

Morsarv, Moss kunstforening 2013

Morsarv, in the studio 2013

Morsarv, detail